League Of Legends Launcher Just Closes

I have a problem that started yesterday and i don't know how to fix it, that's why im writing here. my client wont start, i click at the league of legends launcher, the icon shows up and the process start but then it just close down and i can't do anything about it.. Lol launcher closes after i hit "launch" lol launcher closes after i hit "launch" but the problem is whenever i hit "launch" the launcher just closes and nothing opens up and yes, i went to my task manager and it is still running, but nothing comes up! {{summoner:3}} league of legends and pvp.net are trademarks, services marks, or. Welcome to the forum archive! years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that rammus rolled into an "ok" thread, or anything in between, you can find it here..

Dont work. launcher still closes down edit ok, so i made some investigation by myself to the launcher files and i think i found solution to my problem.. Humm i guess it has something to do with the new patch , i was still playin today at 2 am and 30 minutes ago when i tried to play , it didnt dowload , the launcher just close itself after 3 secondes it is on....i don't get it dont tell me i will have to re-install it like everytime there is a new patch lol. I just downloaded the latest patch, the one for today. and when i open the launcher it says "updating lol.cb3 14/15" and then the launcher closes..

league of legends launcher just closes

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