Unlock Huawei E156 3G USB Modem totally free

If you are an owner of Huawei 3G USB E156 Modem and want to unlock it free, it can be unlocked with a simple solution, means with the help of unlock code only. I have already provided so many unlock solution of various types of modem e.g. Huawei, ZTE, Alcatel, Vodafone, MTN, Micromax, Airtel, Aircel, Idea, Reliance, Tata Docomo and today its turn to provide the unlock solution for Huawei E156 3G USB Modem totally free. You just need to download one software which download link is provided at the end of the article. Just download the said software from  the link which is provided at the end of the article and follow the guidelines as provided by me.

Step by step guide to unlock Huawei 3G USB E156 Modem Completly free :-

  • Eject the modem from your computer/laptop.
  • Note down the imei which is written on the reverse side of the Huawei Modem.
  • Run the downloaded software and go to Huawei tab
  • Put your IMEI number in IMEI box which is highlighted in above screenshot.
  • Now click on Calculate button.
  • Now the software will calculate the Unlock code and flash code for your modem.
  • Note down the Unlock code only.
  • Change the sim with other than default sim.
  • Now plug your modem in your computer/laptop.
  • Now let the run dashboard.
  • Now its will ask you for unlock code / password.
  • Just provide the unlock code which you have note down and click on OK.
  • Enjoy your unlocked modem!!!
Download Huawei 3G USB E156 Modem Unlocker Software
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